time clocks birthdays and us

- astronomical ramblings


[a double acrostic poem for andrew (35}]




as time crooks it seems not to work

smoothly - this ticky-tock mechanic

trying its damnable buckled best to

rule out space for meeting - a fool

ordering the planets has less panic

nothing easily avails

or maybe within us the wish is cool

masking a cunning diffidential plea

i know in my own make-up is genetic

cursing the males - a soulful alibi

all's good grist to life's momentum

letting us both do as we have to do

                      a subtle boon

clocks though are choleric to taboo

life's rituals keep love-doors ajar

observing yens we die to do without

chimes for a birthday trigger stars

keel them clock-wise in a timed sea


each line contains 35 letters and spaces; the two half-lines count as a line; all lines ending with the same letter rhyme