Promise This -- When You be Dying -- by Emily Dickinson
Promise This -- When You be Dying -- Some shall summon Me -- Mine belong Your latest Sighing -- Mine -- to Belt Your Eye --
Not with Coins -- though they be Minted From an Emperor's Hand -- Be my lips -- the only Buckle Your low Eyes -- demand --
Mine to stay -- when all have wandered -- To devise once more If the Life be too surrendered -- Life of Mine -- restore --
Poured like this -- My Whole Libation -- Just that You should see Bliss of Death -- Life's Bliss extol thro' Imitating You --
Mine -- to guard Your Narrow Precinct -- To seduce the Sun Longest on Your South, to linger, Largest Dews of Morn
To demand, in Your low favor Lest the Jealous Grass Greener lean -- Or fonder cluster Round some other face --
Mine to supplicate Madonna -- If Madonna be Could behold so far a Creature -- Christ -- omitted -- Me --
Just to follow Your dear future -- Ne'er so far behind -- For My Heaven -- Had I not been Most enough -- denied?