The Rat's Tight Schedule by Russell Edson
A man stumbled on some rat droppings. Hey, who put those there? That's dangerous, he said. His wife said, those are pieces of a rat. Wait, he's coming apart, he's all over the floor, said the husband. He can't help it; you don't think he wants to drop pieces of himself all over the floor, do you? said the wife. But I could have flipped and fallen through the floor, said the husband. Well, he's been thinking of turning into a marsupial, so try to have a little patience. I'm sure if you were thinking of turning into a marsupial he'd be patient with you. But, on the other hand, don't embarrass him if he decides to remain placental, he's on a very tight schedule, said the wife. A marsupial, a wonderful choice, cried the husband . . .