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Total Poems: 95 |
1 | "And the sins of the fathers shall be" | 2 | "Have you ever made a just man?" | 3 | "I have heard the sunset song of the birches," | 4 | "It was wrong to do this," said the angel | 5 | "Tell brave deeds of war." | 6 | "Think as I think," said a man | 7 | "Truth," said a traveller | 8 | "What says the sea, little shell?" | 9 | A god in wrath | 10 | A learned man came to me once | 11 | A little ink more or less! | 12 | A man feared that he might find an assassin | 13 | A man said to the universe: | 14 | A man saw a ball of gold in the sky | 15 | A man toiled on a burning road | 16 | A man went before a strange God | 17 | A newspaper is a collection of half-injustices | 18 | A slant of sun on dull brown walls, | 19 | A spirit sped | 20 | A youth in apparel that glittered | 21 | And you love me | 22 | Ay, workman, make me a dream, | 23 | Behold, from the land of the farther suns | 24 | Behold, the grave of a wicked man | 25 | Black riders came from the sea. | 26 | Blustering God | 27 | Charity thou art a lie, | 28 | Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind | 29 | Each small gleam was a voice, | 30 | Fast rode the knight | 31 | Forth went the candid man | 32 | Friend, your white beard sweeps the ground | 33 | God fashioned the ship of the world carefully. | 34 | God lay dead in heaven | 35 | I explain the silvered passing of a ship at night, | 36 | I looked here | 37 | I met a seer | 38 | I saw a man pursuing the horizon | 39 | I stood musing in a black world | 40 | I stood upon a high place, | 41 | I stood upon a highway | 42 | I walked in a desert | 43 | I was in the darkness | 44 | If I should cast off this tattered coat | 45 | If there is a witness to my little life, | 46 | In a lonely place, | 47 | In heaven | 48 | In the desert | 49 | In the night | 50 | Love walked alone | 51 | Many red devils ran from my heart | 52 | Many workmen | 53 | Mystic shadow, bending near me, | 54 | On the desert | 55 | On the horizon the peaks assembled | 56 | Once a man clambering to the housetops | 57 | Once I saw mountains angry | 58 | Once there came a man | 59 | Once there was a man | 60 | Once, I knew a fine song | 61 | Places among the stars | 62 | Should the wide world roll away, | 63 | Supposing that I should have the courage | 64 | The chatter of a death-demon from a tree-top | 65 | The impact of a dollar upon the heart | 66 | The livid lightnings flashed in the clouds | 67 | The ocean said to me once | 68 | The sage lectured brilliantly | 69 | The successful man has thrust himself | 70 | The trees in the garden rained flowers. | 71 | The wayfarer, | 72 | There came whisperings in the winds | 73 | There was a great cathedral | 74 | There was a land where lived no violets. | 75 | There was a man and a woman | 76 | There was a man who lived a life of fire | 77 | There was a man with tongue of wood | 78 | There was crimson clash of war. | 79 | There was one I met upon the road | 80 | There was set before me a mighty hill | 81 | There was, before me | 82 | There were many who went in huddled procession | 83 | Three little birds in a row | 84 | To the maiden | 85 | Tradition, thou art for suckling children | 86 | Two or three angels | 87 | Upon the road of my life | 88 | Walking in the sky | 89 | When a people reach the top of a hill, | 90 | When the prophet, a complacent fat man, | 91 | Why do you strive for greatness, fool? | 92 | With eye and with gesture | 93 | Yes, I have a thousand tongues | 94 | You say you are holy | 95 | You tell me this is God? |

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