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Contemporary English Poets and Poems Total Poets: 36
This page is dedicated to the Contemporary English Poets and Poems. The poets listed below were either born in england or else published much of their poetry while living in that country.

See also: Poets by Nationality | All English Poets | English Women Poets
English Poets Born: Before 1400 | 1501-1600 | 1601-1700 | 1701-1800 | 1801-1900 | 1901-1950 | After 1951
Kingsley Amis Kingsley Amis (1)
(1922 - 1995)
Edwin Brock (1)
(1927 - 1997)
John Bodenham (1)
(1600 - present)
Ros Barber Ros Barber (1)
(1964 - present)
Graham Burchell Graham Burchell (5)
(1950 - present)
Helen Dunmore Helen Dunmore (1)
(1952 - present)
Gerald England Gerald England (6)
(1946 - present)
Ian Emberson Ian Emberson (11)
(1936 - present)
Rebecca Elson Rebecca Elson (2)
(1960 - 1999)
Thom Gunn Thom Gunn (3)
(1929 - 2004)
Adrian Green Adrian Green (8)
(1946 - present)
Rg Gregory Rg Gregory (142)
(1928 - present)
Ted Hughes Ted Hughes (28)
(1930 - 1998)
Tony Harrison Tony Harrison (8)
(1937 - present)
Geoffrey Hill Geoffrey Hill (7)
(1932 - present)
Sophie Hannah Sophie Hannah (9)
(1917 - present)
Elizabeth Jennings Elizabeth Jennings (10)
(1926 - 2001)
Jenny Joseph Jenny Joseph (2)
(1932 - present)
Chris Jones Chris Jones (4)
(1969 - present)
Jackie Kay Jackie Kay (5)
(1961 - present)
Denise Levertov Denise Levertov (54)
(1923 - 1997)
Laurie Lee Laurie Lee (6)
(1914 - 1997)
John Lindley John Lindley (4)
(1952 - present)
Roger McGough Roger McGough (14)
(1937 - present)
Alden Nowlan Alden Nowlan (4)
(1933 - 1983)
John Frederick Nims John Frederick Nims (1)
(1913 - 1999)
Claire Nixon Claire Nixon (5)
(1973 - present)
Harold Pinter Harold Pinter (6)
(1930 - present)
Ruth Padel Ruth Padel (8)
(1947 - present)
Adrienne Rich Adrienne Rich (31)
(1929 - present)
Craig Raine (8)
(1944 - present)
Vernon Scannell Vernon Scannell (16)
(1922 - present)
Barry Tebb Barry Tebb (117)
(1942 - present)
Hugo Williams Hugo Williams (8)
(1942 - present)
Liam Wilkinson Liam Wilkinson (14)
(1981 - present)
Juliet Wilson Juliet Wilson (3)
(1966 - present)
Contemporary English Poets
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