Handbell Notes by Raymond A. Foss
Watching them play Seeing their notes on the paper Sensing the fun in practice in hearing the sheet come alive Feeling a shake Never realizing the joy Captured in the dots and waves on the printed page.
June 5, 2006 9:10pm Last Sunday, the Sunday School students – pre-school to grade 5 - practiced the “Little Boy and the Lunch”, by Tammy Waldrop, about the feeding of the 5,000, along with our Handbell Choir. I was reading along to the program/sheet music. The techniques used by the handbell choir included – “Mallet , Pluck, Thumb Damp, Echo , Martellato Lift , Shake, Vibrato, Let Vibrate, Martellato”. To me, it made me giggle. It was Fun! Here is the web page for this the Little Boy and the Lunch - http://www.handbellworld.com/music/MusicPiece.cfm?Piece=11265