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Nourishing one another by Raymond A. Foss

Quietly sitting
nourishing one another
pondering the scripture
and what it means for us

The words of the savior
praying in the garden
his anguish, his words
his tears falling like blood

Assurance in his choosing
submitting to God’s will
an example of prayer
strengthening us still

March 3, 2010
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Matthew 26:38-39
Adam Hamilton’s Facebook question,
February 23, 2010
“When you think of Jesus' agony in the Garden of Gethsemane –
Matthew says he was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death –
and that he threw himself on the ground as he began to pray –
how has this passage brought help or comfort to you?”
Worship service after Our Family’s Table
Mediation by Raymond A. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 24, 2010
From Earth to Heaven

Rising from the ashes, from the dust of earth
rising to heaven, the court of the Lord
So is this journey, from the burnt palms,
a sign of the cross, marking us, on our skin, our lives
coming, a journey, faces to Jerusalem,
to that rising at Easter morning
to the ascension into heaven

Slowing our lives, joining the steps of our savior
traveling with him, witnesses, to his ministry
to his teachings, his prayers, his suffering
his choice of servanthood
being with him on the mountain
on the sea, in the desert, on the path
on the road to Jerusalem, to the cross, to the grave

Walking these forty days, traveling back
to those ancient days, so real
walking with the disciples, with Peter, with James,
with John, even with Judas, the weight of his trial
the choices each of them would make
on the way to the Upper Room,
to the Garden, to Calvary

Spending time, with the risen Christ
his mark upon us, from the ashes to the empty tomb
From the parade into the city, the solemnity of a new covenant
betrayal, the mocking in trial
the weight of choice in the Garden, sweat like blood
the despair of the cross, the cold of the tomb
To the glorious rising, death, sin vanquished.

March 1, 2009
Lent, from Ash Wednesday
to Easter morning
Matthew 6:1-21
Matthew 26:17-30;
Mark 14:12-25;
Luke 22:7-20.
Luke 22:39-46
Matthew 26:35-45
Matthew 26:39
“And he went a little further, and fell on his face,
and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible,
let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will,
but as thou wilt”. (KJV)

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Contact me at Ray Foss
for usage.
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