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Search results for: Spring | Found 130 Poems
101.Nocturne Of Remembered Spring by Conrad Aiken
I. Moonlight silvers the tops of trees, Moonlight whitens the lilac shadowed wall And through the evening fall, Clearly, as if through enchante...
102.It Is A Spring Afternoon by Anne Sexton
Everything here is yellow and green. Listen to its throat, its earthskin, the bone dry voices of the peepers as they throb like advertisements. Th...
103.The Spring by Thomas Carew
Now that the winter's gone, the earth hath lost Her snow-white robes, and now no more the frost Candies the grass, or casts an icy cream Upon th...
104.NEXT YEAR'S SPRING. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
THE bed of flowers Loosens amain, The beauteous snowdrops Droop o'er the plain. The crocus opens Its glowing bud, Like emeralds others, ...
105.THE SPRING ORACLE. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
OH prophetic bird so bright, Blossom-songster, cuckoo bight! In the fairest time of year, Dearest bird, oh! deign to hear What a youthful pair wou...
106.PREMATURE SPRING. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
DAYS full of rapture, Are ye renew'd ?-- Smile in the sunlight Mountain and wood? Streams richer laden Flow through the dale, Are these ...
107.A spring poem from bion by Eugene Field
One asketh: "Tell me, Myrson, tell me true: What's the season pleaseth you? Is it summer suits you best, When from harvest toil we rest? Is it au...
108.Spring by John Gould Fletcher
At the first hour, it was as if one said, "Arise." At the second hour, it was as if one said, "Go forth." And the winter constellations that are l...
109.Earliest Spring by William Dean Howells
TOSSING his mane of snows in wildest eddies and tangles, Lion-like March cometh in, hoarse, with tempestuous breath, Through all the moaning ch...
110.A Spring Rain by Raymond A. Foss
The world is wet today luxurious, damp, drenched drops hug the leaves, anoint the still budded lilac blossoms before their blooming rich purple a...

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