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Search results for: Spring | Found 130 Poems
111.A Spring Rain Song by Raymond A. Foss
He was hidden in the nascent emerging buds of the lilac branches, singing his ornate, urgent, compelling song to the back of the hall to the la...
112.Spring Bouquet by Raymond A. Foss
An earthen vase held a bouquet simple crocuses at the street corner in the downtown of the city, around the corner, down the block on the way...
113.Spring by Raymond A. Foss
The calendar marks the beginning the start of a new season of life a warming of the world, my part anyway, melting of the endless winter snows t...
114.Spring Morning Light by Raymond A. Foss
This morning, that spring morning light, something special, magical, the low dim, soft light illumining the treetops, the nascent buds, the flower...
115.A Wellspring of Words by Raymond A. Foss
The sanctuary, the service sitting in this hallowed space A wellspring of words, living water gushing up relentless and rising until the pages ...
116.Falling, Like Spring Rain by Raymond A. Foss
How the dove must have felt, falling from heaven, onto the Lord rising from the waters of the Jordan So was the grace falling on each of us, li...
117.A Hint of Spring by Raymond A. Foss
A hint of spring, pregnant floating on the air a wisp of the turning in the rain falling wind blowing in the January thaw As regular as the s...
118.A Faint Hint of Spring by Raymond A. Foss
Not yet feeling the full warming The sun’s rays somewhat brighter the bare ground a testimony the promise of the coming spring soon to be he...
119.The Awakening of Spring by Raymond A. Foss
On this morning a hint of the winter just ended the cold snap of the air yet giving way changing as the hours pass The awakening of spring ...
120.Springs in Africa by Raymond A. Foss
A prayer for the continent that there would be springs in Africa that the land would know waters rising from the ground that the dry places the d...

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